Nov 30, 2021Liked by Will Witt

It sickens me to see the hypocrisy of people like the mayor of San Francisco. Rules for thee and not for me!

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Nov 30, 2021Liked by Will Witt

And she's def not the only governor to disobey their own rules. Newsom went out to fancy restaurants while he was making indoor dining not allowed for all of us - such a double standard

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It's all part of a coordinated plan Will. They all know what the plan is and know the dictates don't apply to them. And they don't care that we know. They're delighted to shove it in our faces. https://thegoodcitizen.substack.com/p/seven-sins-in-the-time-of-covid-012

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Nov 30, 2021Liked by Will Witt

Wow, very well written, persuasive, and interesting! Thank you Will Witt!

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Nov 30, 2021Liked by Will Witt

We view the French & American Revolutions through the lens of history. They were violent, people died and it was necessary to throw off the shackles of their/out oppressors. Why would we expect our own revolution to be bloodless? Our Founding Fathers who pledged their lives, fortunes & sacred honor are viewed as heroes. Rightfully so. I agree that we are not there…yet. At least for now, we have mostly peaceful recourses available to us. To believe we will never need to resort to our 2nd Amendment right in order to regain the freedoms we’ve lost and yet to lose would be a miscalculation on our part. Our forefathers didn’t declare Declaration & seek war immediately. For approximately 10 years they attempted to send emissaries & negotiate with England. Until the sobering realization struck that there would only be one way to gain our God given right of Independence and all its blessings. I pray we don’t reach that point however; if we do, I pray we have the courage to recognize it. #DoNotComply

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Nov 30, 2021Liked by Will Witt

thanks. please cover & continue to cover in detail the Ghislaine Maxwell trial with background ... especially include the intricate, beguiling process abusers, traffickers, controllers use to groom, hold use & abuse victims & in many cases kill their "commodities" after they're used up, so every day people can understand, recognize this evil in their communities & act locally. focus on personalities like Epstein, Maxwell, Edward, Clintons, Obamas, elites etc is excellent to expose them & the extent of this evil with the protection it has but, it can distract from the necessity to know the foundations, practices & degradation of human / sex trafficking. please consult with larger organizations like Polaris, Exodus Road, Exodus Cry, Nat'l Org of Abused Children, Ashton Kutchner's org Thorn, etc. never give in never stop! bless you & I hope you have a specific prayer group that prays for you ... the battle is the Fathers but, remember the war is in the heavenlies against powers & principalities not human flesh & we need to know our sphere of influence / authority to battle correctly under His authority & the authority He has given each of us.

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Nov 30, 2021Liked by Will Witt

I agree. I'm glad your speaking up it may save lives. It may prevent another early death like what happened to Queen Marie Antoinette.

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Dec 1, 2021Liked by Will Witt

this was great

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Dec 1, 2021Liked by Will Witt

Leftists have a "do as I say, not as I do" policy! Watching JB and KH walking around with masks on yet Secret Service is maskless!! Irony!!

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Dec 1, 2021Liked by Will Witt

Everything you said here is on point, Will. It's just sad to see the left seeing the elite lording themselves over everyone and yet they still somehow support them. However, I'm not surprised anymore. They've come to think that these people are bettering the lives of everyone around them - wooden axe handle and all that jazz. But not us. We see what they're not doing and what they should've been doing. So glad to see you writing these pieces, Will! I'm glad I subscribed to this.

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Yah, I’m afraid also that the master plan is already in play too far for them to take it back or lessen the “problem” at hand and just hoping that there will be time bought to delay it. The CDC doesn’t care how effective the vaccine is they are just logging how many people got the jab. And in Europe and Israel they are still working on the “green passport” which will have many names, which would be an insertion of something the size of a grain of rice in your hand to log you at all times , your health etc.. Again , these people want control of us trying to play God of being everywhere at once. Praying for delays, it doesn’t mean that the Lord can’t still take care of people even with their evil plan continuing on.

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Well illustrated, however there is more to this "systematic repeat" of events than meets the eyes. Time and time again the evidence provided to the elites shows a "downfall", so why so stupid to repeat a matter? Even going just a little bit back into history to the "Spanish Flu," (if thats not offensive, lol) you can see a mass repeat of "rules for thee, not for me" and a widespread push of masks/inoculation. Hysteria, fear, and sadly even a "revolution" are still tactics of control. Nonetheless, I do agree that living by God's Laws and maintaining individuality, that a people can succeed. But who can find such men and leaders? And yes, it is a man and NOT a woman who can lead a people. As women, we're to "unpredictable" in our emotional decision making...or at least at some very vital moments we are nuts. lol I enjoy writing, so perhaps I will halt from long comments on your posts. Should I just stick to "short, inspirational" in the comment section Will? lolol

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Reminds me of Nancy Pelosi getting her hair done in the closed salon of San Francisco or Gavin Newsom dining at the exclusive French Laundry Restaurant with multiple parties. Rules for thee, but not for me.

"All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force." George Orwell

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Rashida Tlaib is on video telling one of her friends "Oh No you don't have to wear a mask it's only because I have a Republican activist who follows me around filming me all the time."

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I don't agree with your comparison to the French Revolution. Yes, the monarchy was in many respects out of touch with the people. But this history of the period has been distorted to the point that Louis and Marie Antoinette are made into caricatures of themselves. For example, it was required by French law that the royal couple eat in public in order to assure the common people that all was well. People were ushered into the royal dining room and were partakers of the royal dinner. Marie Antoinette, who was a good Catholic, went further than was customary. Instead of ordering the servants, she herself rose from her place and distributed food from the table to the poor. This was where the out-of-context "Let them eat cake" rubbish came from, since a "cake" at that time in France was not what we in the USA think of as cake. The queen wanted the people to have the same food she herself ate. The bloodthirsty Committee of Public Safety (sound familiar?) decided that she was too aristocratic for them, and condemned her to death, after they beheaded her husband. The boy prince and the other children they starved to death.

So Will, I agree that the woke crowd who hold power right now are hypocrites. They are only out for themselves. But this was not always true of those in power.

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“A place where the greedy and evil and diabolical were afraid to show their faces.” This hit me. I pray for that, that's the way the world should be. It's so sad that they are using globalism to spread evil instead of replicate and spread the good. God sent you, and He will make it happen!

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